Muzikal Tun Mahathir.. short review (personal opinion)

Last Sunday, tetibe teringat nak tgk teater ni, so went online in to look for the tickets and sgtlah terkejut  almost sold out setiap hari.those left pun just untuk tempat duduk paling atas n paling murah but of course la taknak coz paling jauh. So, from the 8 days left, yesterday (Tuesday) adala 2 seats available dekat grand circle bahagian kiri tapi hujung sekali near the middle (bkn ke dinding), so, ok je la then aku pun belila on9..

Then keluar paper esoknye announcing that the musical will be extended for a week more until the 9th of Oct. dem gile!..kalau tak dpt duduk bawah, so boleh tilik jerawat plakon2 tu sorg2..haiishh..

Anyway, semalam after masak, makan n Maghrib, dude and i pecut to IB. Collected our ticket, bought some sweets at the cafe, entered the hall, waited for like 10 minutes before the show began.

Overall, the show was interesting especially the first half from the day he was born until he married Dr. Hasmah. After that agak berat sket la, tp ok la kan coz ini bukan comedy..So, kalau nak tengok n tau sejarah Tun Mahathir without having to read his biography, then ok, sila tengok..

However, agak kesal kerana terlampau banyak video yg dimainkan. Ye la, nak cerita dari Tun lahir sampai he retired dr PM, so of course la sgt banyak, and x cukup mase utk dilakonkan. So, letak je la video.
Then, bagi aku la, pengarah or sape2 la, confuse untuk ambik masa bila dlm hidup Tun untuk dilakonkan instead of divideokan. Sebab rasanya, banyak lagi cerita2 yg lebey interesting yg boleh dilakonkan. Kadang2 scene yg ada sangat la pendek dan memenatkan org2 yg tukang tolak prop ke atas n keluar pentas..hoho..

Dan disebabkan sangat byk video, nampak mcm terlalu rigid dan terlalu nampak seperti dokumentari instead of acting. Tapi kalau mmg niat dia adalah untuk buat spt dokumentari, ok la kot (sori, tatau niat sbnr..hehe)..

Papepun, the songs agak menarik and i love the 2nd last song kot masa Tun nak retire ke b4 tu..konpius sudah…tp agak best la lagu tu….

So again, it was worth watching about one of the greatest men in Malaysia. And as some said, it is better they do this while he’s still alive to show our gratefulness for everything he did to our countries instead of buat sume bende ni when he’s already gone spt byk2 tokoh sebelum ni.

Just my 4 cents. later! 😉

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  1. hana November 13, 2012

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