“Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again. ” ~Rosa Parks
She’s tired of all the fightings. She’s tired of feeling angry and sad. She wants to be happy. But lately what they did was fighting all the time. It wasn’t actually fighting as she was the one who did all the talking when he started to say wrong thing at the wrong time or didn’t say anything at all when all she wanted was soothing words to make her feel better. She hates it when everytime she wasn’t feeling good and need someone to talk to, she had to turn to her friends instead of him to make her feel better.
She blames herself for having a very very very sensitive heart. But she blames him more for not understanding her enough after almost 4 years together. He said everything will be better once she goes back home. “Will it be better?”, often she wondered. Is their love so weak that it can only be good when they’re near but not when they are far from each other? Isn’t a true love should make it through all conditions, through thick and thin, through far or near, through everything??!?
She didn’t care if he soothed her with words taken from movies or from poems, or maybe from song lyrics, but why can’t he just comforted her? Was it so hard to make her feel better?
She’s really confuse right now. She hates being sad. She hates being gloomy as gloom as the weather today. No sun for the whole day and she just spent her day on her bed watching videos on you tube.
Just one question in her read right now, will ‘they’ survive?
Enuff said… 🙁

bcs they are male. they came from mars. tat's y they always say d wrong words at d wrong time. berlainan bahase. ekekek.
i agreed wit him. mayb u both will make it better when ur back here at home.. not bcs ur luv is weak.. but bcs then u will not rely 100% on his words (which god-knws-y they always sux) to sooth u..
plus, back home u hav mak n me to make u forget wat a silly fight u bothn us had n everythng will b ok.
tersila type name pulak.huhuhuhu
huhuhu ibu rania…..
mekaseh….dah rase better dah dgn ayat terakhir ko…
ni yg x sabar balik msia ni…huhu…
Cik nadot…saya letak blog awak dalam blog wordpress saya tau..senang2 jengukla walaupun isunya agak serius hahahha
Saya paham akan kerisauan cik nadot kita nak balik msia, saya pun begitu..kita balik dekat2 nak rayalah, lagi syahdu..ala macam cter2 drama swasta kat tb tue hahahha….
hi dot.jgn sedey2 k.things will be better soon.time will tell.betul la cakap yah, man are from mars, they just dont understand us the way we wanted them to do so! sometimes we just have to tolerate.i'm sure you guys will be ok.cheer up k.muaahh
totally understand wut u've been through (terasa cam bdk kecik bercakap dgn org berpengalamn plak adedeh~)
PJJ (perhubungan jarak jauh)..is hard k.dot but i'm sure u'll pull it through…
go k.dot~ chaiyok!!
Hi Chip…. hihi…
Memang plan balik tgh2 pose ni…punye la nak elak kot2 kene keje dulu b4 raye…tp ade trbace komen kwn chip kat frndstr, kate cuti 1 week eh?..cmne eh…hoho..igt nk balik mcm 13 sept kot…lapor diri 15 (isnin)..huhu…
Hai kak Nadia!!!!!!…
Kite je la tolerate??..dia tanak??…huhu…tah le..wait n see je la mcm ne kesudahan nnt…huhuhu…Muaaahhzz!!
Wah Anot…
Luas eh pengalaman??!..hehehehe…
takpe2…time skolah dulu Anot g advice kat akak, mmg dah kene sound dah…ye ar…budak form 2 advice budak form 5 kan..mane leh trime…hahahah
Sekarang, masing2 bsr dah…lg byk pengalaman ko Anot eh dr akak?…heheh…tuh le…harap things will get better..penat gak ni…huhuhu
Tq eh…
'man'….hard to predict…sometimes the problems are simple
but they make it more complicated…but it's undeniable
…sometimes man are source of strength. there are sweet and
sour in long distance relationship..huhuhu…take care dear…u'll
be fine…
hi umi!!…
thanks eh…hihi 🙂