“I have never liked working. To me a job is an invasion of privacy”. ~Danny McGoorty
12:33 am – still doing my works. i.e. editing & understanding the notes. tp x paham-paham jugak.
Esok ade test BIO564. sudah meng’book’ mizah & atiyyah utk tolong same jage dlm DK Alpha. Alhamdulillah. tak perlu prepare notes utk esok. Malam esok, baru akan terkocoh-kocoh siapkan utk kuliah Rabu. argghh.
Kelas BIO100, 2-3 jam jugak esok. But I only manage to prepare 30 mins of the 2-3 hrs lecture. Gelabah? Tidak sgt.Sudah biase.huhuhu.
12:40 am – 7 minit sudah terbuang. Teruskan membuang. Atau insaf. aku memilih yg pertama. Ouchh…

i never liked working either..
tp, bila gaji masuk..