Lamenyeeeeee x menulis…
sangat rase nak menulis, tapi tiade semangat…
and since i last wrote, sangat byk bende berlaku and mostly, seriously, mostly, things that made me sad and still am actually…..
I don’t think I’m strong enough for this kind of test I’m going thru. I’m pretty sure I’m not strong at all, but I’m just not sure how to settle this. I might hurt those I love most as well as myself. I want to give it a try and save this and pray for the best, but I can’t do it alone. I just donno what to do…. I’m scared of what might happen if I go on and if I don’t. The journey has been so long that I’m afraid if i stop, everything will goes down the drain and I have to start all over again.What if I am meant to continue this journey, but I give up to soon and things will become uglier?
Maybe, things will get better if I continue this journey and try my best to reach the ultimate destination; but maybe it’ll become worse and, Who am I to know??
But what can I say, either by ending or continuing this journey, some people might get hurt. I’ll get hurt by doing both. Not sure of the other side though.
Sorry to babble in my first post since a long time I didn’t write. I should start with a happy story I guess, but my life is not very ok right now that I couldn’t think of a happy one.
So friends, could you guys please pray that I’m given enough strength to go through whatever the ending is?…thank u and luv u all… huhuhu :((

sy concerned..dlm erti kate len..BZ body dgn keadaan kamu cer?
meh sni meh
wlupn aku bknlah salu menjadik tmpt ko meletakkan kepale di atas bahu..munkin aku leh jadik bahu itu hari ini la,nape ni?wat happen?its not he end of the world babe!! mona fande kes bunuh pun bole senyum kat tv,ni ka plak kite ni ha…menari lah dan terus tertawa,walau dunia tak seindah rupa..cheer up babe!!
mekaseh pnut n shidah…. kite meet up later k, berbuke ke ape mcm biase…hehehe….
lap u guys sampai mats… hehe
aiseh…aper sedey2 sis??
p/s: nadot, bila nk anjur bukak poser??ke pas raya??bukak poser 6??haha
uit uit mazdan….tiade pape la…biasela…idup, mane penah x de yg sedey…hohoo…buke pose, msti la aku mls dah nk anjur..suh org2 berkahwin lak anjur..heheh..
yeayy!!dh nk raya..jd xsempatla nk anjur bukak poser…kalo nk pun bukak poser 6 nanti..ok??hahahaha