Yeay!!!… x sangke dah mengajar for 1 sem… tot I couldn’t last even a day…but i proved myself wrong ..yeay!! congratz to myself..hehehe…
However, my workloads are piling up each day… I have yet to start marking all the lab reports, tests, quizzes and the assignments. And i have to finish them fast as the exam is going to start on the 20th and both of my papers adalah dlm bulan april. Pastu gatal nak duit lebey, amik job examiner utk kolej luar yg twinning dgn uitm lg. pdn muke diri sndiri… huhu…
Anyhoo, I’m going to miss my students in both classes as they gave me my first experience teaching here in UiTM. I hope all of them do well in their becoming exam. Did give them more than enuf tips already. huhuhu…
Can’t wait for the 1st of may coz nk pegi perhentian 4 the 2nd time with K anum, atiyyah n adib, my fellow colleagues. Hope the trip will be great and as memorable as my first trip to perhentian 4-6 yrs ago with yah, amal n faisz.
Got test papers to mark! Later peeps!! 😉
nadot!!!!taniah!!!Alhamdulillah…da kat staun da..wowww..ku bangge ngan kejayaan ko..u r a strong woman wlupn ku tau ko tak ske ku ttp ex itm..n dun wori..ku beza sket dr dorg sbb ku budth..sib bek dak2 ko tade pangai cam ku..lau tak sure ko bakar then buang kat longkang…
sy hepi utk kamu..all d bes 4 d years ahead..bttolkah english cap aym sy?
nnti kite dive eh bile gomen ni blaja utk prioritize n organized sket…
U r strong too 4 be able to work dgn gomen n bahagian buruh lg tu…mengadap n mendgr org komplen..huhuhu
betul2…hati blum di uitm lg….tp doakn aku akan ok eh..
betul2..nasib baik budak2 ku x perangai spt ko..kalau x, mmg ku fail kn je…hohohoho…
yup2…kite dive together-gether nnt eh…segere habis kursus 2.5 mil ko tuu..hehe