Letter for Nadot…

Dear Nadot,

It’s been 7 months since you left Malaysia but I know you feel like it was only yesterday you arrived in Edinburgh Airport. You used to say that you couldn’t make it there. You will miss your family so much that you can’t concentrate. You won’t get good friends that will understand you like you have in Malaysia. You will feel lonely without AWAK by your side and you’ll be in tears all day that you think you might become thin.

But all things happened the other way round. You still miss your family, but you were able to concentrate and Alhamdulillah, you’ve passed all your papers. Yes, you met few selfish people, but still, you have a group of very good friends that understand you and accept you just the way you are. You still get lonely now and then without AWAK by your side, but you guys text each other everyday and you know that he’ll be waiting for you and you’ll be waiting for him too. And yes, you cried sometimes when you were feeling down, but you’re not getting any thinner! In fact you’ve gained a few more kg! I’m very proud of you Nadot! I really am! =)

Within this 5 months, there are few things that you need to do and accomplished. First and the most important, is to focus on your dissertation. I know you have trouble focusing or concentrating on anything, and you have trouble waking up early in the morning, and you’re also as lazy as Garfield, but, for the sake of your family, your sponsor, and yourself, do make sure that you try your best in doing your project and try to submit it early of August. Search for more journals, start writing the intro, method and literature review. Try not to do things last minute as you always did. Just believe in yourself, pray to God, and InsyaAllah, everything will turn out okay.

Secondly, cherish your friends around you. You might not see each other anymore once they are back in Malaysia and even if you still see or contact each other, you know that it won’t be the same. They will have their own life and so will you. Therefore, do cherish every moment while you are here. Stop being emotional or childish and just enjoy your life there. You won’t get to do some of the things you did there once you’re back in Malaysia.

Next, improve your cooking skill while you are there. Yes, I know you have turned to be quite a good cook. But keep learning. Try new recipes, help K Linda in the kitchen more often, and if mesra.resipi.net server is down, there are still loads of website with great recipes.

Finally, please stop shopping too much. Why the hell do you need to buy new clothes every week? Your wardrobe looks like its going to collapse soon. You don’t have enough space to keep all your clothes and you don’t even wear all the things you’ve bought. Same goes with your novels. You keep buying new books even when you haven’t finished reading those you had bought previously. And please stop visiting amazon.co.uk and ebay.co.uk everyday. You are not strong enough to resist the temptation those websites have. You keep buying stuffs that you know you will rarely or never use. Please don’t answer back when I’m talking to you. ok? I’m getting a migraine just thinking how you are going to bring all your stuffs back to Malaysia.

Okay, okay. I’ll stop here I guess. There are still loads of things I should have written here, but Diari AF6 Episode 25 and 26 are calling me to watch them. So, till fingers meet keyboard again..hihi. Do take care ok!.. Later!

Yours truly,

Si Comel yang baik… =)

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  1. lem de vander April 3, 2008
  2. nadot83 April 3, 2008
  3. lem de vander April 3, 2008
  4. fatiyahh April 5, 2008
  5. nadot83 April 8, 2008
  6. Awak April 20, 2008

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