I’m Baaackkk…. ;p

2 months without any post… Weeehooo…

I was kinda lazy busy on my last days/months of pregnancy that i wasn’t able to post anything…

And now, I’m baaackk.. with a baby, and a slimmer me! yeay! (Seriously, i don’t see any different between my-pregnant-self and my post-preg body..mencik!..mencik!…huhuhu)..

So, quick update on my dearest son.. Named him Nawfal ( means generous, dermawan – and yep, just ‘Nawfal’ – I don’t really prefer 2-3 words name as later nnt end up being called his first name je..even yg satu nama ni pun mungkin bley dapat nick name bukan2 – Nadiah= Nadot? what the tooott.. hehe).. Was born on 22nd June at 8.45 am by C-sec due to him being in breech position from my first check-up up to 37/38 weeks and so Dr Roslan (my O&G) in Hospital Selayang adviced me to perform a c-sec… Whichever good for my baby, i follow je… =)

He was 3.15 kg and 49 cm long, though he looked smaller than that, seriously.. Mak cakap, tulang berat… mmg betul kot..sakit ok kene tendang…hehe
I took the FPP scheme (Full paying patient scheme) in hospital selayang and i would do that again for my next baby InsyaAllah..the only downside, selayang doesn’t have a female specialist under this scheme.. There are only 3 males,  1 malay doc and 2 indian doc… and so, of course la i chose the Malay, Dr Roslan who is also the Head of Department for O&G.. and he’s a good doc…

Another government hospital with this scheme is hospital putrajaya.. heard there are more doctors there, both male and female.. so lebey banyak pilihan…

I stayed there for 4 days (Tuesday-Friday)… and was charged around RM3500++, tak sampai 3600.. which was reasonable for me…

Owh..forgot to mention, the pediatrician yg attend my baby, sambut my baby after Dr Roslan sambut, was Emmy Zuleikha, one of my besties from hi-school… that was her last week in that department before dia kena start kat emergency department.. So, during my stay at the hospital, she was the one who checked on my baby, injected my baby etc..will kill her for that, later…hehehe… nway..am so proud of her… berkawan since forever and then anak kita pun disambutnye..terharu beb…hehehe..thank you emmy.. =)

Nway, on Nawfal’s 6th day, he was admitted into pusrawi for jaundice, stayed there also for four days. The first three days, his bilirubin level didn’t change at all.. my baby cried all night long like he was hungry though he fed and gayut on my B for quite a long time…

And coincidentally, Ros, also a close friend of mine in hi-school was being treated in that hospital, she came to see me and teach me how to pump my B to express milk, so on the last night in the hospital, i gave Nawfal the EBM, and he slept all night long, just woke up once and fed her EBM again and change his diaper – which then, I concluded he couldn’t suck properly during that time, and having trouble to latch on my B..so the next morning, his bilirubin level drop sangat banyak so we can all go home… Thank you Ros laling!

Banyak sangat nak cerita sebenarnye sejak kelahiran Nawfal ni, so i won’t forget my experience having a baby for the first time…but couldnt do it now, so hoping i’ll have time to do it later…
Apapun, Selamat menyambut Ramadhan to all, and semoga kita semua dapat meningkatkan amal ibadat dan moga semuanya diterima oleh Allah swt… 
(i’m not fasting nway..yet…hehehe…)
Ok darlings..later! =)

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  1. just azura! August 1, 2011
  2. Nadot August 1, 2011
  3. Khy August 1, 2011
  4. Nadot August 1, 2011
  5. Anonymous October 31, 2011
  6. Nadot November 15, 2011
  7. Unknown December 8, 2011
  8. Nadot December 12, 2011
  9. Anonymous December 17, 2011
  10. Nadot April 24, 2012

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