Bersambung dari episod lepas….. =)
We planned to head off to Melaka at around 10 pm. But being nadot, haruslah suke melengah-lengahkan masa, so kitorg gerak pukul 12 lebey macam tu. My parents knew that Dude wanted to surprise me, so after we arrived at the hotel,
mak tanya, “ Dude tak suruh angah tutup mata ke macam dia kena time birthday dia?”
I answered, “ Tak payah dia suruh, all the way dari KL ke Melaka, angah tutup mata sendiri, siap berkeruh lagi..”..hoho
Anyway, at 2pm ++, we arrived at Avillion Legacy Hotel, Jalan Hang Tuah. Went to the lobby and while waiting for Dude to check us in, I did my own checking at the lobby. It has a very big lobby with a very high ceiling. And as most people who’ve been here, i was impressed with the huge dome-like ceiling (macam ala2 Pantheon kata Dude, but colourful la). I was also wondering at that time how the hell do they clean the ceiling/dome?
So, after checking in, we went up to our room on 11th Floor. Dude booked us a studio room, kinda big, but not really spacious, and the bed area, sama je besar dengan tempat2 lain, but we have to walk a long way to the cupboard..malas gile..hoho
The deco biase2 je… The first day we arrived, bilik air area toilet bowl, bau hancing the next morning saje basahkan area tu n tuang sabun sket, and when we got back to our room after jalan2, baru takde bau..
TV bukan LCD so Dude tak leh bawak his Xbox (Thank God!..hehe). The room wasn’t being cleaned thoroughly as we found an empty mineral bottle belakang langsir (the housekeeper kemas depan langsir je kot, belakang tak check..haiish)…and yg lain2 biase2 je..nothing to brag about. Seriously Dude perlu belajar carik hotel yg best2 from the expert (me!..hoho).. tapi sangat berterima kasih coz again, Dude menunjukkan effort utk membuat surprise and planned this himself..Suke!..Wep u! =)
So sambil rehat2, tgk tv, terpk lak pasal dinner. last year we went to Umbai. So ingat nak try lain. google2, ada la sebut Alai. Then i sms Nayot tanya pendapat dia, so sebagai seorang yg dah lama berkecimpung dalam bidang melaka ni..hehe (she’s a lecturer in melaka), dia kata ada 3 tempat biasa, Umbai, Alai & Sg Duyung,,,but, she recommended Alai, coz cheaper and cleaner. So, kitorang pun pergi la Alai petang tu… Thank you Nadia… =)
As usual, crite akan di sambung pada entry akan datang kerana penulis tak tahan nak ke toilet and prepare notes for class today… =).. Later!!

You r most welcome..
Lenkali cakap awal2..
Next time kite g Restoran Baba lak..
Happy Anniversary Nadot