Dude and I were married on 29th January 2010. So, 29th Jan 2011, was our first anniversary. Can’t really believe i’ve been married for a year?! Giler ah… hehe
So at 12 midnight while we were on our bed (Dude with his laptop, and i was with my iphone playing sudoku), Dude suddenly stopped what he was doing and wished me anniversary. Suke suke!.. Then, he asked me to wait and he went out of the room for few seconds, then he came back with presents!!..yeay!!.. I asked him to give me 37 presents (macam harry potter’s cousins in the first film sbb nak spend sehari bukak hadiah je..hoho), but he gave me only two!..so he owes me 35 still..hehehe…
Anyway, open both boxes, one i already knew earlier coz i asked him to buy for me, the perfume. I opened the second box, and seriously love it, a custom made fossil watch (ala..custom made maksud dia pilih muka jam sendiri n tali sendiri je…hoho).. and he knows me really well as i like the gothic2, funky2 style sket la yg tak masuk langsung dgn sorg lecturer sepatutnye..hoho
hadiah Dude? i already gave him a week earlier, a Kinect for his XBox – suke! coz we could compete dalam pingpong, bowling, dancing etc..hehe).
Our anniversary’s pressies! yeay!..hehe |
So, to celebrate our first anniversary and Alhamdulillah because it fell on weekend, and my baby in the tummy teringin nak makan seafood fresh konon, so we decided to go to Melaka (Malacca..hehe). I only knew the hotel we were staying once we arrived there coz initially Dude kept it as a secret, saje nak surprise konon (though he seriously needs to brush up his skill in making surprise and keep it a secret..hoho)..
Where we stayed, where we went, where we ate, will all be revealed in part 2 (sebab sekarang dah pukul 4pm and i havent perform my Zuhur prayer..hehe)…so Later! =)
The P/S below is not to be read by those yang geli2 n x jiwang konon…hoho
P/S: Dude, I love you so very much!.. Thanks for putting up with me dari kite bercinte sampai la kite dah kawin… Thanks tolong saye banyak..thanks sabar dengan saya bila saya marah2… Thanks sebab tak penah stop cakap awk sayang kat saya tiap2 hari… Thanks sebab tepuk saya sampai tidor almost everynite (almost je bkn everyday coz ade hari awak tepuk saye 2 kali, awak yg tido..hoho).. Thanks for everything lah pendek katenye..hehe…Saya harap kita bahagia macam ni atau lebey2 lagi sampai akhir hayat kita.. Amiiinnn… wep u! =)

nadot jam fossil tue idaman akue… lame dh dok perati..mahu juge!! sesobs.. =( owh lupe nk ckp taste dude same dgn akue lol.. ape maknenye nie.. huhu.. (pesanan khidmat masyarakat: ibu mengandung xley marah okay!) =p
happy 1st anniversary dot! 🙂 semoga korang berbahagia selamanya. tak sabar nak tunggu baby korang keluar. take care tau, jgn main kinect bnyk sgt 😛
Happy Anniversary Nadot.. Huhuhuhu… so ri tu jumpe kat kedai seafood tuh.. Hahahaha..
Fura…aku x penah perati sgt, x pasan pun ade jam ni..huhu..ape lak taste dude mcm ko..dude beli sbb dia tau ni taste aku..make ktie la same…bkn ko dgn dude..make, x marah la.. hohoho
Kak nadia: mekaseh, mekaseh…akak take care juge..ape2 cite best, story mori la eh…hehe
nayot: jumpa…nak crite la nnt kat pos seterusnye yg tah bile2 ku nak tulis..hoho..tq..tq